I’m 51 years old. I was swindled into voting Dem once after a lifetime of independent, third party voting. This morning I sat down to complete my ballot and head to the polls - this Debrief appeared and reminded me that by voting third party in this election I will be voting my conscience and for the possibility of fracturing the corporate run duopoly.

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You saying "It's all connected, we are all connected", made me want to tell you this:

I'm a 50 year old white man, living in the Netherlands. English is only my third language. Identity-politics-wise you and I have nothing in common. Yet, for several years now, you managed to put all my political opinions, frustrations and angers into words in a much better way than I ever could.

In the world-wide political arena, I feel represented by your voice. Thank you for that, genuinely.

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That's very kind of you to say. It means a ton. - B

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2:30 hilariously, the right to marriage equality was yet another right that democratic legislators deferred to the supreme court. They are worse than useless on this issue as well.

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Brilliant analysis and excellent synthesis of sources, as always. Thank you for your voice, BJG.

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Good to hear your radars again. I'm with you on this 100%, irrespective of who will diss you and me and everyone else for our views of conscience. Going out to vote for Jill Stein without reservation. Not in my name. Not with my tax dollars!

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Neither corporate party can be pushed. Brilliant closing arguments for this election day. The more people hear it the better.

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Just found you via System Update podcast. Great analysis!

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Just upgraded to paid subscriber to come here and say "Oh my God, these are the perfect words!" Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, for your work, your words, your wisdom, and your energy.

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In the remaining hours, play this (from 1 hr 11 min) to anyone who feigns sympathy but still intends voting for the duopoly because Trump, ‘groceries’ etc.,

‘Why U.S. Muslims are Abandoning Harris ~ with Sami Hamdi’


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Thank you for your moral clarity Brie 👍.

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Briahna is the best! I look forward to your briefings!! Can you please do more daily videos!

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I had missed Brianna’s radar. This should be on YouTube.

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Thank you Briahna. Fantastic and clarifying take on the current shit show.

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Amazing perspective as always

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He’s so disingenuous. We know a national right is important, that’s what she’s saying. But she saying that she doesn’t trust the Undemocratics to do it. Because they haven’t before why should we believe them now. And the other point she’s making is that it’s tone deaf in a state where that isn’t the issue and Gaza is.

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I would love to see a post election DeBrief on steps to move beyond tribalism and fear (that isn't working) and building a movement of values that the demos used to say they are for - healthcare for all, increase minimum wage, climate change, and more. :)

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I mean, that's called the Green Party (maybe more so than PSL, since nearly all Dems call themselves pro-capitalist, though, like most Americans, odds are high they don't understand what "capitalism" actually means - people tend to think it means any sort of market economy). People refusing to join a party that actually supports their supposed values (PSL's also an option) isn't something we can fix directly, but we can keep trying to convince them that actively supporting people who actively oppose their aims is counterproductive.

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